Brontosaurus fakta
Brontosaurus – Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Brontosaurus havde en lang tynd hals og og et lille hoved, og den var tilpasset som planteæder med et stort, tungt torso og en pisk-agtig hale.
Brontosaurus steak tilbud hos Fakta – Tilbudsaviser Online
Brontosaurus steak tilbud hos Fakta
Børn lærer om Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus), kæmpe plante, der spiser dinosaur. Habitat, størrelse, mad og sjove fakta.
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Brontosaurus Fakta: Uddøde Dyr Af Verden | 2023
Du er her: Forside >; Kød >; Oksekød >; Steaks, medaljoner & bøffer >; Brontosaurus Steak. Brontosaurus Steak. Coop. Brontosaurus Steak. 0,4 kg, USA.
Othniel Charles Marsh opdagede og navngav Brontosaurus (græsk for “Thunder Lizard”), en firbenet dinosaur i 1879. Med mindst tre kendte arter levede denne dinosaur i Morrison-dannelsen af nutidens vestlige USA i den sene juraperiode og blev udryddet inden udgangen af perioden.
dyr til børn: apatosaurus (brontosaurus) dinosaur – Tristar History
dyr til børn: apatosaurus (brontosaurus) dinosaur
10. jan. 2023 — Brontosaurus was herbivorous and lived on land. Its long neck may have evolved to reach marshy vegetation some distance away or to reach leaves …
Børn lærer om Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus), kæmpe plante, der spiser dinosaur. Habitat, størrelse, mad og sjove fakta.
Brontosaurus Facts for Kids
Brontosaurus Facts for Kids – Facts Just for Parents, Teachers and Students
9 Beefy Facts About The Brontosaurus – The Fact Site
The Brontosaurus was discovered in 1879 in North America. Here are nine facts you should know about one of the world’s most recognizable dinosaurs.
Brontosaurus Steak | MAD
Brontosaurus | Size, Habitat, & Facts – Encyclopedia Britannica
Brontosaurus | Size, Habitat, & Facts | Britannica
brontosaurus, (genus Brontosaurus), genus of large herbivorous sauropod dinosaurs living during the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous epochs (163.5 million to 100.5 million years ago). Its fossil was first discovered in western North America in 1874 and first described in 1879 by American paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh. In 1903, however, the genus Brontosaurus, which means “thunder lizard” in Greek, was subsumed by the earlier-described genus Apatosaurus. Despite the change in classification, the public still embraced the dinosaur as Brontosaurus, owing to the widespread use of its likeness during much of the 20th century in advertising, motion pictures, and television, as
Brontosaurus – Dinosaur Wiki – Fandom
Brontosaurus | Dinosaur Wiki | Fandom
Brontosaurus (/ˌbrɒntɵˈsɔrəs/ bron-tə-SAWR-əs), meaning “thunder lizard” (from Greek βροντή, brontē = thunder + σαυρος, sauros = lizard), is a genus of sauropod dinosaur. Originally named by its discoverer Othniel Charles Marsh in 1879, Brontosaurus had long been considered a junior synonym of…
Brontosaurus – ARK Official Community Wiki
Keywords: brontosaurus fakta